Friday, 28 June 2013

The act of kindness (Part 2)

So today, I'm feeling like 18 again (lie!). No, this is about what I had encountered today and I feel like to share with my readers (if any) today. This is so much unique that I just need to tell to everybody. Hehe

Here it goes.

As usual, today I went to work (intern) at Puchong. It was not that long until 6 pm because I had too many works that I never looked at my watch (surprisingly!).

The most awkward thing is when my boss kept on complementing of my work, and I'm afraid that I might give wrong picture to her. Well, you know when people are expecting something from you, you would feel inferior, over-reacting. People would put so much expectations as I would feel such a huge burden is lifted on my shoulder. Well, it was good actually for my self-confidence. Alhamdulillah for that.

Okay this is when the stories get interesting.

As I went back home at 9.30 pm, (I get the chance to socialize with my work mates and enjoying our early dinner at Murni Bukit Jalil which we got lost on our way there). Haha, thanks to whatsapp maps for leading us the way to get there!

Then I took a bus way to home and heard a conversation from the bus driver. The conversation was closely similar to this.

Passenger A : Boss, why do you deliver the bus takes a long time to get us?

Bus Driver : I'm truly sorry, my friend. I just had to encounter massive traffic jam and I didn't get the chance to rest as I drive continuously since 6pm until now.

I came from one utama (OU) stop and drive all the way to Putrajaya and arrived around 9.30pm. But then 9.30pm was actually the time I have to depart and drive back to OU. So I skipped my meal to pick up my passengers especially working peopel because I know they all were waiting for me and if I delayed a little longer, they will coming back home late.

Passenger A : Say that they are rude to you, are you still continuing this?

Bus Driver : Although sometimes there are rude people out there, I'm sure that they are still pretty numbers of good people too. I sometimes get people that are rude and saying things like "Pakcik, lambat lagi ke bas nak gerak", or "Pakcik, boleh cepat sikit tak, saya dah lambat ni".

I understand them but just be nice to people. Say that you would hear people say something like "Pakcik, lagi berapa minit ye nak bertolak?" or "Selamat pagi pakcik, dah makan ke belum?", it would nicer to be heard and people will feel belonged and loved.

I prioritize people's time and even had to skip my meal just to make sure that they won't be late for home or to work. For me, I can skip my meal and having my passenger to get to the place they want to go on the time that they plan. That's why I keep on driving and did not even delay the depart even 10-15 minutes late.

At the moment I heard that, I feel so touched and manly tears were almost came out from my two naked eyes (cewah!). I knew that the bus were not always on time in picking up passengers on the morning because there were days that I had to take a cab to work.

But after hearing this, I feel so small. I feel that I don't even worth complaining. Thank you bus driver. I will appreciate you more and more after this and I will always greet you with a smile on my face, at least to make someone's day brighter and better, at least. :)

Then soon after I drop out from the bus, I smiled and thanked him and say "Terima Kasih ye pakcik, nanti balik nanti pakcik jangan lupa makan tau!", and he smiled. We greeted goodbye. See, it is not that hard. Adios

Monday, 3 June 2013

A good samaritan

He/she will always try what can be done to settle things right. Not to wash or run away from it. I found this matluthfi's posts are getting more and more matured. Readable throughout all types of people, with simple language, this should be a starting point to make life beautiful, and also meaningful.

To find the meaning of life is to give life a meaning.

Be happy with your own kind of life. Try not to cling your happiness on something not sure will lasts.
Learn. Love. Live

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Journey to the south!

Hello and hi!

First and foremost, well it is hard to give a commitment on certain things. For example, in a relationship. Ok, to make it easier, even to write a blog, this blog to be precised.

Anyway, I write stuffs so that in the future when I look back, I hope I can eventually laugh and remember what the heck I did in the past. Keep forgetting a lot these days... -_-

Just yesterday, I decided to take a look at Kolej Matrikulasi Johor to have a visit with my younger sister, which is located at Tangkak (KMT). To be honest, I'd never been to any kolej matrikulasi before.

Well it wasn't that bad, the building is kind of new and food is cheap.

And it just triggered me when I saw groups of innocent-looking students walking, wandering around, and I remembered when was my first enrollment into matriculation program in Shah Alam.

Funny I know.

It was the starting point that I had to learn stay alive without the person I could not live without. 

I had a small trip to Gunung Ledang river, a lot of people, but I love the scenery. It makes me calm. No picture. Upload problem.


Let's keep going. Keep moving. Lillahi taa'la