Friday, 21 November 2014

#10 Serba Kekurangan

Hello and hi!

My life for the past few days had been jingled up and down.

Pretty much I was distracted and I felt forces hit me hard from all over direction. Up, down, left, right, front, behind.

It was just normal. But I did realise that for others, it was not. So, I had to blend in and keep marching forward.

It was right to say that sad tone was the common mood these few days. But I believed tomorrow would come otherwise.

Oh yea, I had gotten into uitm interview. How cool is that? Giving that I have both place for tuition now, fail is now not an option for me. Heh.


P1,P2,P3. I wonder what would these three subjects come with three consecutive days for their examination dates? For me it is kind of unfair.

Oh well, again, blend in.

I hope everything would be fine. Just try to pretend even though it is not.

Because in the end, all that matters will be counted, judged. By One, and only.

Oh damn, I missed everyone. Including you.