Sunday, 17 September 2017

#30 Fobia

Salam and hey

Today im gonna talk about fear. Everyobe has it, and not everyone has proper channel or way to vent it all out or counter those phobias.

Well i have one, at least im aware the most

My phobia, or my worries are basically

Getting too attached to someone,


I am gettting scared of losing people i care about.

This is why I always draws a line

In hoping that i will not cross it

In fear of i will not anticipated a huge disappointment

Because my heart gets shattered everytime

When a person walks away from my life


That is why i drew the line

To not get my hopes high

Just to let die in the middle of the road


Ive seen much, Ive heard enough

Or maybe
Just maybe

Im better off alone.

Just maybe.

Until today,

Ive not find any way yet to overcome this fear

That has been eating my souls for so many years now


I always believe that someone

Will let me out from this vicious cycle

Because I believe in faith and hopes.

What a dreamer, am I?

#29 Pergi Je

Salam and hey,

This post is dedicated to all people whom I care significantly, or insignificantly in my life.

If I do love you, I really do, and I mean it evey word I say.

But if you keep igoring me, somehow every people on earth will eventually become tired, including me.

I hate to say this, but you are just wasting both of our time.

I tried so hard to get to you and you acted as if I was nothing to you.

For that, I have neither strength or interest to keep this relationship going.

I just wish someone to love and like me the way I like and love her, too.

Love works both ways, not just one journey.

Im sorry

When time is gone, you will never able to see me again.
