Sunday, 14 September 2014

#2 Lari dan terus berlari

Past few days awakened me. I used to be so premature and always take my own decision in hoping that my kind of 'way' exceeds others. You all can say that it is like forward thinking style, as opposed by the apple chief director, Tim Cook.

But then, it is not my point in this entry at this moment of time. I wonder. Every decision always has its risk, whether we notice it or not. I used to think that my decision did not have a huge impact towards others, but I was wrong.

Risk is something that we will always face. And it affects minimal, if not large, to people surround us, or we call that stakeholders.

"Some people just love risk and are considered as risk loving or risk seeking, that is, they enjoy taking risks and challenges. They often opt out of 'expensive' mitigation strategies. Hence they pursue profit opportunities that risky ventures present.

Some people just avoid risk and are considered as risk averse, that is, they are the most cautious while accepting any kind of risk. They avoid risk whenever possible, but are willing to accept some risk."

The thing is, I hurt a lot of people based on my past decisions. And it affected people arround me mostly, which I did not realise. And I feel like running, and just keep running to discharge that feelings that make me feel awful. I just want to re-write history, if not, change the future, which I am doing right now.

P/s: Oh ya, I recently watched Lagenda Budak Setan 3 and The Maze Runner. Both great, am I eligible to be a maze runner too? Haha

Life is spectacular. Forget the dark things. Take a drink and let time wash them away to where ever time washes away to.”
― Tim TharpThe Spectacular Now

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