Wednesday, 20 May 2015

#14 Tengok Cahaya yang Bersinar Terang


We failed ourself. It does not mean that we purposely doing it. We sometimes lose track, and at a point where we do not know what to do.


The people we care most, are the ones leave us. With no simple gestures of saying goodbye, or a smile. It can be they are leaving for good. Like a kid who lost their parent, a lover getting through 7 degrees of separation, etc.

We might be blind for a brief moment of time. It is normal. What is painful for you, might not for others, vice versa. Whatever it is, for someone who believes in the greater power of the One who make orders of this life. We must at least show a little appreciation on how He plans this And that for us. Humans.


We feel that we can not make it anymore. We feel like the world stumbles upon us, and it is like the end of everything. We need to keep on moving. We have to keep on rolling, because that is just the basic part of life,

We fall, we get up. We fall again, and we get up again. That is how it works.

Fail is okay, while give up is not. We live not to impress, but impress The Live (The One).

We keep sin, but he is the most Merciful, the most Gracious. Let He alone decides what is the best for us. For everything.

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